Photo by Tom Sharrow/

A new study conducted by scientists at the Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute in Oakland, California shows that adding a glass of water to your morning meal can significantly improve weight loss over time1. The study, which included 173 women between the ages of 25 and 50 years old, followed subjects who were used to drinking less than 33 ounces of water a day. Throughout this study, all subjects added an extra 18 ounces of water to their breakfast each day. In the end, the study showed the added water first thing in the morning promoted “significant loss of body weight and fat over time.”

Water Helps You Lose Weight for Several Reasons

At the heart of it all, drinking water helps boost your metabolism, acts as an appetite suppressant, and works to cleanse your body of stubborn waste. Contrary to what people might think, water actually helps prevent your body from retaining water. This leads to additional loss of water weight. As the study showed, drinking water first thing in the morning helped to jumpstart the test subjects’ metabolism. Over time, this led to an added loss of 5 pounds of fat per year.

Forget the Eight Glasses a Day Rule

The American Council on Exercise recommends that active women drink about 91 ounces of water per day. However, Leah Kaufman, a registered dietician with NYU Langone Medical Center’s Weight Management Program says, “Drinking enough water is so easy to forget, but it’s critical to weight-loss success.”2 She recommends drinking at least 16 ounces before a workout and another eight ounces during every 30-minute workout. That’s far more than eight glasses per day.

Start Your Day a Healthy Way

Though we know the benefits of water, the study shows that adding water first thing in the morning jump starts your body’s ability to lose weight over time. By making a simple choice like this first thing in the morning, you increase your body’s energy levels, combat hunger, and reduce the desire to overeat during the first meal of the day. Essentially, drinking water in the morning is a simple way to set yourself up for success.


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