Photo by Tom Sharrow/

There has been a fair amount of hype surrounding fibroblast growth factor 21, or FGF21, one of a handful of similar hormones that regulate the body’s energy balance. FGF21 was discovered only relatively recently and plays a series of complex regulatory roles in several different organs. Secreted by the liver, FGF21 is primarily responsible for suppressing the brain's sugar craves and signalling for the body to begin burning excess fat.1 While there is much yet to learn, its production has been shown to have positive effects for weight loss.2

In a recent study, researchers in Dallas, Texas uncovered new details about the hormone with big implications for keto dieters. Spoiler alert: it’s good news.

FGF21 as one of many regulating hormones

As with leptin, ghrelin, and other hormones regulating energy consumption, the body can build up a resistance to FGF21.  This is often the case among people dealing with obesity. Indeed, abnormally high levels of FGF21 are often a sign of such a resistance, as the body tries to produce more of the hormone to compensate for its lack of sensitivity to the signals it sends out.

As the data piles up on this recently discovered hormone, FGF21 has been found to play an important role in promoting weight loss and increasing metabolism.3 In addition to this, it is responsible in part for regulating the process of fatty acid oxidation – that is, of burning the body’s stored fat – which brings us to its relationship to the keto diet.

A study of keto mice

In the Dallas study, researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center examined the connection between FGF21 and thirst, and how it promoted water drinking in mice under various conditions.4 The consumption of alcohol by mice increased their FGF21 production and suppressed cravings for sugar and alcohol in favor of pure water. Likewise, the ketogenic diet increased thirst in mice, as more FGF21 was produced in order to help them process stored fat.

Like other hormones, FGF21 plays an important part in the body’s homeostasis and energy production, and this study helps to establish the link between keto dieting and FGF21 levels. While research on FGF21, in general, remains in its early stages, this study adds to the body of work demonstrating the positive influence of the keto diet on hormone levels and the body's energy balance.


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